A lubrication system has the purpose of providing the machine with clean, conditioned oil for lubrication of turbine bearings, gearboxes and generators.
This creates a film between moving solid surfaces, reducing friction and wear associated with the specific properties of the surface.
In turbines, in addition to being a lubricant, the oil is used under high pressure as a working fluid to transmit movements to the control system installed.


  • Robust
  • Reliable
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Advanced technology
  • Productivity
  • Solutions to meet specific customer requirements


  • Tools for pressure and temperature control
  • Three-way thermostatic valves for optimal fluid temperature control
  • Dimensioning of piping for low ΔP
  • Dimensioning of plate/tube heat exchangers
  • Dimensioning of duplex filter with low ΔP on high and low-pressure line
  • Hydraulic manifolds
  • Low-pressure pumps for lubrication (screw pumps/centrifugal pumps)
  • High-pressure pumps for control (gear pumps/piston pumps)


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