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Duplomatic MS solutions for Turbogas applications
Duplomatic MS has gained over the years a specific experience in gas turbines, developing and deepening projects in close collaboration with technicians in the sector, both for applications of special components and dedicated systems.
A peculiar feature of these applications is the reliability that is required both from the individual components and from the whole system. The calculation of MTBF and MTTFd is a fundamental requirement that cannot be ignored.
Generally, the complete supply for a gas turbine plant includes a power HPU that feeds the servoactuators responsible for controlling the flow of fuel to the turbine and changing the position of the compressor vanes, as well as emergency actuators for securing the system in case of need.
The power plant has special characteristics both for the materials used and for redundancy, especially regarding reliability and safety, with devices selected jointly with the plant technicians.
For the presence of accumulators with pump flow support function and emergency circuit power supply, the PED certification of the set is provided.
As far as servoactuators are concerned, they are all managed by high dynamic servovalves, with closed-loop control on one or more position transducers mounted directly on the cylinder. The positioning accuracy is in the order of a few hundredths of a millimeter in order to optimize the turbine yield.
In servoactuators that manage the fuel flow, the emergency quick shutdown condition in a time <200 msec is implemented by a series of disc springs that force the cylinder rod into the valve closing condition. The operation is managed by a redundant hydraulic component to increase the reliability of the system.
In the servocylinders that control the tilt of the compressor vanes, the failsafe function is carried out by the group of accumulators that provide the flow rate necessary to guarantee a quick closure. The hydraulic circuit designed by Duplomatic provides a redundant safety that depressurizes the system, realizes the closing condition by means of a dedicated valve and isolates the servovalve
The on-off actuators operate the fuel flow intercept valves and always have a redundant circuit for quick closing in a time <200 msec obtained by pushing the disc springs, able to overcome the residual pressure in the valve.
Also in this sector, Duplomatic MS has made the company's know-how available to turbine technicians to create high-performance systems.
MTBF = Mean time between failures
MTTFd = Mean time to dangerous failure