Variable displacement vane pumps with direct pressure adjuster


  • Catalog: 14110
  • Max Displacement: 22.2 cm3/giro
  • Max Operating Pressure: 70 bar


  • Rendering 3D: 3D Model
  • * Data sheets: lan lan
  • Other languages: lan
  • * Last update: EN (29/05/2023)


The PVE are variable displacement vane pumps with direct pressure regulator. Available in four sizes with maximum displacements from 6.6 to 22,2 cm3/ rev and with two maximum calibration values of the pressure regulator up to 35 and 70 bar (standard). The flixing flange is SAE J744 – 2 holes or 4 holes rectangular, depending ont he size of the pump. Cylindrical shaft with SAE J744 KEY. The pumping unit is equipped with hydrostatic axial compensation distribution discs which improve the volumetric efficiency by reducing component wear. The adjustable load spring of the pressure compensator keeps the startor ring of the pumping group in an eccentric position. When the delivery pressure equals the pressure corresponding to the spring calibration, the stator ring moved so as to reduce the displacement to the values required by the system. In zero flow demand conditions, the pump delivers fluid only to compensate for any leaks, keeping the pressure in the circuit constant.

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